奥切 恵
Awards, Grants and Service
Aug. 2022
Award of Excellence in 2022 by the Japan Association of College English Teachers, Okugiri, Megumi (Eds. with Lala Takeda). 2019. A Pragmatic Approach to English Language Teaching and Production.Kazama Shobo. ISBN: 978-4-7599-2309-4
Jun. 2022
Highly Commended Submission Award in Valuing Diversity, Lumina Learning Awards 2022
Tokyo Healthcare University, Prize in Best Teacher and Researcher in Education
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Grant Number 23K00661 ¥4,550,000 “Eigo-ni-yoru tabunka-kyōsei-kyōiku-no ōyō to josei-no rīdāshippu-kyōiku-moderu-no shin-kōchiku [Education in Multiculturalism and Social Cohesion Through English Learning and a New Model for Women’s Leadership Education] ” (in progress)
Principal Investigator
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant Number 18K00882 Teaching global interactive presentation: Linking English education between high school and college
Principle Investigator
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant Number 15K02633 “Nihongo kyōin-to senmon kyōin-niyoru akademikku raitingu-no hyōka: hyōka kijun no sakutei to kensyō [An investigation of academic writing assessment by Japanese language teachers and academic professors” Project Member (Principle Researcher Ikuko Ijuin)
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results, Grant Number 265064“The Acquisition of the Discoursal Properties of English Relative Constructions by Japanese Learners” Principle Investigator
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Grant Number 25370705 “Nihonjin eigo gakushū-sha no ronbun no sippitsu-notame no kiso kenkyū [A study in English academic writing by Japanese learners]” Principle Investigator
Academic Research Grant for Graduate Student, Department of Language and Information Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo “Nihongo washa niyoru eigo kankeidaimeishi kōbun no shūtoku [The acquisition of English relative clause constructions by Japanese learners]”
2009 Academic Research Grant (International Research), the University of Tokyo “The Frequency of English Relative Clause Sentences by Japanese Speakers”
Tokyo Healthcare University Research Grant, “The acquisition of English relative constructions by Japanese learners: Observations of sentence processing strategies”
<Service to the field>
2021-present Women’s Leadership and Empowerment Conference Scientific Committee Member
2019-present Japan Leadership Association
2016 Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016 Committee Member
2015-2019 The Japan Second Language Association Committee Member
2014-2021 The Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET) Kanto Chapter Committee Member
(The secretary of the Kanto Chapter’s secretariat, 2020-2021)
2004~2005 Foreign Language Teaching Association of the University of Tokyo Board Member
2022 Co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the University of the Sacred Heart, the 30th Anniversary Commemorative Event for the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Five Central Asian Countries: ‘Central Asia + Japan’ Dialogue; Public Seminar on the Current Situation and Future Prospects of Female Education in Central Asia and Surrounding Regions. Operating Committee Member
<Editorial Activities>
2019-present Reviewer of Transaction of Japan Leadership Association, Japan Leadership Association
2017-2018 Chair of the editorial board of The JACET International Convention Selected Papers, The Japan Association
of College English Teachers
2014-2023 Advisory board of Komaba Language Association Journal
2012 Member of the associate editors of The International Journal of Literacies published by Common Ground Publisher